Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Are you letting your fears get the best of you?

Linda Darby,
Chief Executive Officer
Do you remember when you were a kid and life’s possibilities were endless? There wasn’t anything you couldn’t do. Do you remember wanting to be a singer, a dancer, a pilot, a teacher, or possibly a funeral director? What happened to those big dreams that you once had? Maybe you stumbled a few times while working towards your goal. Maybe you made a wrong turn and failed, and instead of facing your fear of failure, you just quit.

I can relate. I remember a time when I was just starting my career in the funeral and memorialization industry. I remember how passionate I was about being a motivational speaker. I wanted it so bad, but I was afraid. I was afraid I wouldn’t be any good and no one would want to listen to me. Until my dad, James “Big Jim” Darby, gave me some really great advice. He said, “Linda, you have to face your fears. You have to do the things you fear the most repeatedly in order get over that fear.” And, you know what? He was right!

I faced my fear. I started small and spoke to small groups and organizations. Today, I speak at national conventions. Some might say you can’t shut me up! (My siblings will attest to that.)

What do you want to accomplish? What was something you were passionate about while growing up, but are too afraid to try now as a grown up? I encourage you to fight against that fear and embrace it. The people we serve in our communities deserve the best that we can give them. Find your inner child and embrace that passion you once had.

This article originally appeared in Modern Memorialization, Trigard Memorials' weekly electronic newsletter featuring information for the funeral industry. Sign up for your free subscription at

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